I have to admit that I am suprised...I think I'm doing quite well considering the current circumstances. I guess your call and sms helped me not to lose my senses in thinking that she is there and you guys are spending so much time together. One though that came to my mind today- would I like to be on her place right now? She is there, she can just stretch out her arm and reach you, look into your eyes, hold you... But would I really like to be on her place? Honestly, it's the worse thing I can imagine. To love someone and probably hoping that this love one day will be reciprocal, without knowing if this will ever come true. You say she loves you without expectations. But you know from your own case, that it's only your tongue saying about not having expectations. Unfortunately heart knows better and it's difficult to make it change.
They say you can't choose how you feel, but you can always do something for yourself. I actually think there are plenty of things that can make you improve (or to spoil) your mood, cause all the power that is necessary to do it is inside you. It's not healthy to worry or stress about the things we have no influence on. But we do have influence on how we feel.
So today I will try to think about the best moments we spent together, about how we met and how wonderfully and quickly time passes when you're with me. And tomorrow I will think about all the plans we made for the next weekend and try to endure till monday morning without huging you before sleep. I will enjoy that little piece of you that I carry around in my heart everywhere I go.